Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Vacation for everyone

Vacation for everyone

Summer time is the most popular time in America for vacation. Kids are on summer break, parents save their vacations until summer and families start planning ahead. Most people who go on vacation like to travel away from home, visit family or friends or a new place. They like to change their scenery and spend a week or so feeling refreshed and enjoying their time away from work and home.

But not everyone can afford a vacation. With this economy, most people are struggling.  People are working and carefully watching their finances. People are also losing jobs and worrying about making ends meet for their family.  The bottom line is that whether you have money or not, every single person would like to take a vacation. But how can everyone afford it?  

I believe we should change our mentality about vacation. Ask yourself what you can afford, and still be happy and relaxed, without traveling far from home and without spending too much. We take vacations to feel refreshed and relaxed. We need to start thinking outside the box on how this can be accomplished. It’s very important for the mind and body to take vacations. But if a big vacation isn’t possible, we can definitely take as many mini vacations as we want.

Take a break from your busy day just for ten or fifteen minutes and do nothing. Sit outside, look at the flowers, and go on a walk. During your work break instead of eating and spending your break with the same people you work with, go to the park and eat there, change your scenery. When you are home, go to your favorite part of your home and relax.

            When my daughters were young we only ate dinner at the kitchen table and no where else in the house. However a few years ago we changed this. Whenever there is a long weekend, not just in the summer time, we have a girl’s night in. We plan this two or three days in advance. We order pizza (when there is a good deal) or whatever our favorite food is, or we all cook dinner together. All of us love ice-cream and so when I do shopping for that week in particular I get some and no one is allowed to touch it until Friday night. Then we rent a movie from the red box or get movies from the library.

            We eat in the living room in front of the TV while watching a movie and when it is time to eat ice-cream we don’t get bowls but get three spoons and eat from the same ice-cream tub. Its fun, relaxing, and good quality time with family. It doesn’t cost a lot either.

            In the summer time each town does different activities for the community. We should take full advantage of it and go have fun with our family and friends. Many restaurants and coffee shops have deals during the summer. Most of us have a stressful lifestyle, take some time from your busy day and do small yoga breathing exercises; you will feel very relaxed afterwards. I recently found out that at the Parkland college they are giving full hour body massage for just $10. 00. You can call and make an appointment.  For me that is going to be my mini vacation.

I believe that for fun and relaxation we don’t have to go far, even if we can afford it. Each day we can have mini vacations of our own by simple drinking a good cup of coffee/drink and having some time for ourselves.

Instead of comparing ourselves with others or feeling sorry for ourselves, just think outside of the box and let go of all your stress, enjoy the moment. That’s all we have. Have a great summer! 

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