Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Let it go

Let it go!

Life is too short. We all say that but do we really know what it means. People come in and out of our lives. It’s not always easy to say good bye to them especially to those who left a mark on your heart. But life goes on and each day is a new day for a new beginning.

When I moved to America, I missed my family back home a lot. For many years I wish I was with my family. I imagined having them here with me and even my conversations were all connected to them. But at some point I had to understand that I am here and they are there. I made the choice to stay here. It’s okay to miss them but not to the extreme where I am not living my life. I had to let go of my old life and welcome my new life with open arms. Once I did that, I started feeling lighter and realized I had been living in the past and was wasting the present.

Choosing to let go of the past, also meant letting go of some relationships and events. Everything that happens to us in life teaches us something, each person we encounter is there for a purpose. I believe that regardless of whether they leave a good or bad impression on use we can learn something nevertheless. It comes down to whether we, ourselves, want and are willing to learn.

Letting go isn’t an easy process but it is a choice. When I let go of certain things and the people who weren’t good for me and my family, I feel lighter and happier. When we keep thinking about the past and people, and have a hard time letting go, we give our control to that person. Take your control back and live life how you want to, not the other way around.  

Many of us have regrets about our past lives that we wish we could change. But there is nothing we can do about it, except learn from it and move on. I read a book called “The Power of Now”  by Ekharat Tolle. In his book he talks about living moment to moment and not to focus or worry for the future. He is right, there is no tomorrow, therefore whatever we have is today, in the current moment, we shouldn’t waste it.

All the negativity in our lives isn’t good for us. We all know that. But for whatever reason, we don’t let it go, we keep dragging and slowly it becomes a heavy burden on our shoulders. When 2012 was starting, one of my New Year’s resolutions was to think positive and not let any negativity come into my life. It was hard and still is but it’s been four months and I have come out much stronger and happier. My life isn’t pretty, perfect or anything like that. I used to have lots of friends or at least I thought they were my friends. But I noticed that they don’t call me as much as I do them and after meeting with them, instead of feeling good I would feel negative or unhappy. I would rather have a hand full of people who truly care and want to be friends with you. People who know who you are and that make you a better person.  There is a quote that states, “What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.

People say age makes you a wiser person. I believe we can be immature for the rest of our lives if we don’t let go of our past’s, negativity and appreciate what’s good in our lives. Don’t let anyone else control your life but you. 


  1. i dnt kno on which stage of life u says gud bye past n u takeover the control of ur life evn my sister has done dat same but i feel happy to havin u ppl as a guidance of life n i m thanks full of Allah for dat,, lods of love for u <3

  2. Lovely..... glad that I learnt living in the moment from you :)
