Monday, June 12, 2017

Spring is here

Living in Illinois, we all worried about the bad winter, but before we realized it, this past winter wasn’t that bad and it’s gone already. And now spring is here. March 20 was first day of spring. Spring flowers are blossoming. The sun feels wonderful. The people start doing outdoor activities. Kids are on their spring break. Families started traveling again. Some people like spring cleaning. And most people are coming out of their winter blues. It’s a new beginning for many things. And spring is most people’s favorite season.
I like all reasons. But the spring reason sure help a lot, from being in sunshine to simply wearing lighter clothing.The month of March is over and it’s making me think about  New Year’s resolutions. If you have reached your goals and/or are working on it by now, that’s wonderful. And congratulations to you. But if you have not, that’s OK too. It is never too late to start anything. Springtime can be a great beginning and a great motivation for lots of people. So don’t worry about the last 3 months but please focus on the next nine months ahead of us. And once again before you start anything, ask yourself what do you want and why? And start taking baby steps until it become your lifestyle.There is no solution for anything out there. Everything starts with in us. Once we fix inside outside will automatically fall in the place.
I like to share one of my New Year’s resolution with my readers. When the New Year started I decided every week I am going to focus on one good thing happen to me each week and I will write in down in the peace of paper and then I will put it in the jar. I will open the jar end of the year and read all the positive things happened to me or I focused on each week in the entire year. I am proud to say that I am focusing on the positive religiously. And if I can be honest with you I noticed more than one positive happening to me each week. My positive weekly jar is getting full and just by looking at the jar, it makes me think more positively and do better each day.  
Whatever your goal is, believe you can achieve but you do have to work hard to get it. No more excuses and no more waiting for tomorrow, start today. There is no tomorrow what we have is today. So start living. I really like Jalaluddin Rumi’s quote  “Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?” Happy spring!

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