Phone Etiquette
There was a time when cell phones as common as they are today. In the
past, it was only used for emergencies. Times have changed greatly. Cell
phones have become our necessity and today if someone tells us they don’t have
a cell phone, it’s hard for us to believe. Everyone carries a cell phone, I
mean everyone not just adults, kids do too. Due to the competition,
cell phone prices have been dropping and are now affordable for many people.
And it’s much cheaper than having a land line. They also have family plans;
every single person of the family can have their own cell phone for an
affordable price. There are many great benefits of having a cell phone. And
cell phones have made our lives so much better and easier. Now, we don’t have to
wait to go home to make a call. If we need to find out about anything or anyone
we can do it right away.
Texting is another great way to communicate and be connected with people.
I text my girls throughout the day without hearing their voices and still know
where they are and what they are doing. But what about cell phone etiquette? Do
we know it and how many of us are following it? Are we thinking about other
people’s privacy and the time and place? Back then, cell phones were being use
only for emergencies, but today it’s a different case. People are calling each
other from anywhere and they are having all kind of conversation they would
like to have.
People used to put their phone in their bag or purse. But
today it’s attached to their body. As soon as anyone calls or texts people, we
can’t wait to look at it. When I go out and I am sure many of you have had this
experience too, some cell phone ringers are way too loud; the whole place can
hear it. And when people are talking on the phone, they talk way too loud and
forget they’re around other people. Not everyone would like to know about their
personal life. It’s a very rude thing not to consider other people’s
privacy. If your call is that important, go somewhere quite and make
it short.
Another thing, why do people put their phone on speaker? Other people
don’t want to know your whole conversation. I have also seen people
multi-tasking while on the phone. It’s very dangerous and annoying, such as
being on the phone while driving, shopping, banking, waiting in line, ordering
almost anything that involves interacting with other human beings. People’s
life can’t be more important than a phone conversation. I have also seen people
using their cells phone where they shouldn’t be, such as at the movie theaters, while
meeting with others, live performances, funerals, weddings and while
visiting relatives or friends or pretty much everywhere. Even if your phone is
on vibrate, people can still hear it. The light from your phone's screen is
also very distracting.
Cell phone etiquette is as important as any other etiquette in life.
People should think about other’s privacy and be sensitive in public. And cell
phone etiquettes apply to everyone, not just adults. But we parents are the
ones giving cell phone to our children’s, we need to teach them the manners and
also be a role model. Kids learn faster that way. I feel like we abuse cell
phones without even thinking about it. It’s not hard to think before making a
call or picking up the phone call, where you are and who are you with.
If you haven’t noticed, start noticing now and you won’t be surprised to
see how people are using their cell phones and how inconvenient and annoying it
can be for people around them. I believe the cell phone is a great invention,
we should appreciate it and use it wisely.

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