Here comes the lovers’ day. The stores and places are full of heart-shaped decoration, chocolates and red roses. The flower shops are busy preparing beautiful bouquets. The restaurants are full of reservations, and the couples can’t wait to celebrate the romantic day together. It’s a beautiful and fun day call Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day. If you don’t know the history of valentine's day here you can learn from's_Day.
As you, my readers, know I don’t like to write things as on the surface but to go deeper and be real with myself and to others. So here is what I think of valentine's day: Why do you pick only one day out of 365 days. What about other 364 days? To me Valentine's Day should be everyday from morning to night. And instead of having so much emphasis on one day, do it every single day. Show your love, care and respect everyday. That’s the real meaning of Valentine's Day. Money can’t buy real love.
There are so many single people out there, and they wish to be in happy, loving and healthy relationship. So please be sensitive to others and don’t show off but be humble and caring toward other human being. Recently this article caught my attraction “A new Yahoo! survey found that between the December holidays and Valentine's Day, people are more than twice as likely to consider breaking up than any other time of the year.”
Where there are so many people excited, happy and looking forward to spending time with their lovers, at the same time there are so many people’s heart get broken, and they are sad, alone and crying. Of course Hallmark and TV doesn’t want us to know about that. They show only the good and happy side of Valentine's Day. There focus is on making money only.
Also, I try my best to understand other side. I can’t imagine how much pressure some men feel when finances are tight and they see how much competition out there. Instead of putting more pressure on our men, Let them know how much we care, love and respect them without them spending money. We all know men likes to feel special and wanted. Once we women truly appreciate them, they like to do more for us, which is a win/ win situation.
I am not against Valentine's Day at all. But I am against why do we celebrate one day out of 365 days. If we truly care and love this person then we should show our love and care to her/him everyday. And showing love and care doesn't even cost a penny. Have a great Valentine's Day every day!
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