Is it just me or time is flying by. It seemed like we just started 2016 but we are already into end of 2016. As you know, I like to do my whole year inventory. I like to see did I grow, made progress and where am I heading from here.
January: One of our very close family member passed away. That was a shock.
And I started teaching tae kwon do.
February: My birth month. The moment my entire family has been waiting for since 2004, we received my sisters immigration letters. It says now it’s time for their turn, start collection all the legal documents.
March: March was a smooth month.
April: We had a addition to our family. My niece gave birth to a baby boy name Nooh Ahmed in Canada. He sure fulfilled our Ami’s absence.
May: Mother’s day!
June: This was my very first time I went to Los Angeles. The words can’t describe how proud we parents feel when we see our kids graduating from the college. My oldest daughter, Iman, made me extra proud of her.
July! In July right before Iman was supposed to come back home she got a decent job at her university. Blessings.
August: My youngest daughter, Herrah, turned 21 years old. It was a huge deal to me and to my family because last year she got pretty ill. She didn’t quit because she is a fighter and she came out more mature and stronger then ever. Also she found out that she got an internship in Washington D.C. And moved to D.C for the entire semester.
September: I met people from Brazil. And we become friends.Their positive energy, attitude, humbleness and gratitude helps me become better human being.
October: D.C is one of my favorite city in the States. I went to see Herrah in D.C. It was great to see her and her life there. She was blossoming.
November: The most important month of the year! Thanksgiving! I was thankful for every single small and big things and people, friends and family around me. Also since February I have been working on my sister's immigration papers. Finally I got a letter from National visa center saying “Your sisters’ files are completed”. It meant we didn’t need anymore documents from me. At this point we are waiting for their interview letters. The words can’t describe how relieve I was.
December: Both of my girls are home, and we spending holidays and starting our New Year together.
I glimpsed big events around for each month. And I combined 365 days into one or two pages. There was many days from almost each month of the year it seemed like never end and there was days I didn’t wanted to ended. But the bottom line is that’s life. Until the end we will have good and bad days. And it’s up to us, which days and how long we want to stare at. What’s done is done; we can’t go back and change but we can learn from it and make better choices for the future. And also mowing forward it a better choice then stuck in the past.
Let me take all of the labels off of me and tell you how was my year: As I promised to myself beginning of the 2016 I will not check my weight but to focus on healthy lifestyle I am proud to say I am into healthy eating and working out people’s categories. Also I created my entire surrounding with healthy, positive, caring, uplifting and good truly caring people. I feel blessed to have a job, beautiful coworkers, friends, family, health and the most important thing my healthy mind, soul and the caring heart.
Over all my 2016 was a good year. And I hope you also had a good year, and let's hope that 2017 will be also a good year for you and your family!
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