Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer is halfway over

Summer is the time many people start prepared themselves way ahead of time, so they can enjoy outdoor actives. Many women focused on their body and start losing weight or workout so they can look good when they put on a swimming suit. Different people focus  on different things and have different summer plans. But before we know it, summer is halfway over, and soon we will all be dealing fall/cold weather.
We all know the weather played a huge role in our body/lives. But if you are one of those who worked really hard for this summer, don’t let it waste it. And then start all over again next year. We all know how easy it is to get off the wagon. As soon as you realize it, get on it again. Try your best to eat healthy and workout. Anything is better than doing nothing.
And if you one of those people who had a plan to eat healthy and look good this summer and for whatever reason you couldn’t reach your goal, please don’t be discouraged. It’s is never too late to reach a person goal. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. Take control of yourself and please don’t wait until next summer to start. Begin now because there is no tomorrow; what we have is today. They say whatever we eat, it shows.
Here is my half-year’s inventory. When 2016 started with many of my practical goals, I had a goal to get rid off my weight machine and focus on a healthy lifestyle rather than looking good only in the summer. It’s has been more than six months and I haven’t check my weigh. At the beginning it was hard because I was so used to checking my weight weekly and my focus was on the numbers. But I found out the healthiest people around me who inspired me make eating healthy and exercise part of their lifestyle not the summer goal only. And they are in control, not their weight machine.
I am proud to say that I am also part of healthy people category and I feel great from inside to out. Growing up I knew from both side of my  parents that I have diabetes and high blood pressure. Also I love sweets. Honesty, when I was in thirties, I was sure it was just matter of time my Doctor will tell me I have diabetes and high blood pressure. This year I turned 44 years and I have a perfect health due to my healthy lifestyle. My whole point of writing about myself is that you can also have good health and pain free life. As long as you want to.There is no magic. We all have to work hard to reach our goals. Don’t be discouraged. We still have half of 2016 left. Start today and believe in yourself. And also stop having excuses for yourself. And if you need help ask and believe you can do it.
 “Think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right”. Henry Ford

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