Ready or not, once again 2014 is leaving us, and let's welcome 2015. But before, I always like to peek a look into the past year and do my whole year inventory. Just like many other people, I also make New Year's resolutions. And I try to make all of them realistic goals as much as possible. In the beginning of 2014 I made some resolutions and today when I am looking back, I am proud to say although I haven’t reached all of them, I reached 80 percent and that’s a huge thing for me.
2014 was not a very happy year for me. I lost someone very close to me and saw her struggle a lot. I traveled to Pakistan and California. My trip to Pakistan wasn't easy at all. After I came back I found myself without focus. I was completely lost and didn't know where to start. 2014 was one of those years that left a huge mark on my soul. I know everything is a part of life and that’s why I learned to bounce back quickly. I am a very positive person and try to look at things as the glass is always half full.
Yes, 2014 was a very hard year but good things happened, too. I finally learned to let go of my past, and that made me lighter. My Ami’s death brought my sisters and family more closer. I used to worry all the time, and I learned worrying doesn't do anything but makes us look older. The only things we have is today, so why worry about tomorrow? Tomorrow may never come. My girls had a great college year and they are on the right track. And that makes me so proud and happy. My faith became stronger, and I learned to give all of my worries and issues to God. For the longest time I wanted to become a healthy eater. It was a struggle for me because I absolutely love sweets and I didn't know when to say no more. I learned self-control and start eating with moderation. My Ami’s sickness and death made me change my perspective about many things in life. Absolutely nothing matters if you don’t have good health. And nothings stays with you but how others makes you feel. That feeling you can take anywhere you go.
Right now if you ask me if am I excited about 2015, if I am honest with myself my answer is yes, I am excited for the unknown. I am hopeful will be a great year, not just for my family also for lots of families who also had a hard 2014. Once again I am making my New Year resolutions, but this year my goal is not to limit myself about anything and to trust in myself even if I fail I shouldn't be discouraged but be proud that at least I tried.
If you have reached all of your 2014 resolutions, congratulations to you and be super proud of yourself. And if you are someone who couldn't reach your resolutions and are looking at yourself thinking you are at the same place as 2014, don’t do that to yourself. It’s never too late to start anything; all you need to do is trust yourself and believe you can do it. Don’t let another year go by and then be disappointed with yourself again. And remember you aren't racing with anyone. Take control of your life and do what feels best and right for you.
I hope, pray and wish for all of you wonderful people out there to have a great year ahead of you. I hope all over the world humans learn to love each other and don’t judge each other based on skin color and to be respectful towards each other.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

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