Thursday, November 19, 2015

Are we good listeners?

Recently I met someone for the very first time, and right away she made me feel welcome and comfortable. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that she is one of those people who knows the real meaning of listening. We all have experienced that many say they are listening but we can tell they aren’t really listening. They already have figured out what you are saying or what you should or shouldn't do they can’t wait for you to finish your sentence so then they can reply to you. And there are many  people who likes to finish your sentences because they have already know what you are going to say.  

According to Eckhart Tolle “When listening to another person, don't just listen with your mind, listen with your whole body. Feel the energy field of your inner body as you listen.That takes attention away from thinking and creates a still space that enables you to truly listen without the mind interfering. You are giving the other person space - space to be. It is the most precious gift you can give. Most people don't know how to listen because the major part of listening is taken up by thinking.” I agree with him, and he is so right. Why can’t we just listen without thinking? When I met this person I could feel she was truly was listening to me without thinking. And she gave me space to be. When I left meeting with her I was feeling pretty positive, energetic, calm, in control and focused. The power of listening can be that powerful.
And it goes both way. Don’t just expect when we are talking the other person should listen to us fully. We listeners should do the same thing when it is our turn to listen. And when we show someone we are listening to them, it shows we care and respect them enough where they have our  full attention. Because they are important to us. And like Eckhart Tolle said, “It is the most precious gift you can give”. Simple listening to someone is the precious gift we can give to another person. We all like to talk and especially women. Many times we just want someone to listen but not to solve any issue or give advice. It’s such a simple thing to do, but sadly, most people don’t know how to do it.
I’m around many  people who are very good listeners and I’m fully aware what listening means,  and I believe that’s why when I met this beautiful lady who is also a very good listener I noticed in her. Without going into detail, why are we always thinking? Why can’t we just be and be present fully and enjoy the other person and the give other person the respect they deserve?        
I also have experienced that other people won’t let you talk, and the entire conversation is about them or  things you aren’t interested in at all. And when I’m leaving from there I feel tired, exhausted, disrespectful and have no desire of meeting again. Another thing that bothers me a-lot is when you are talking to other person he or she is doing four other things at the same time. And you try to get their attention on you, but the  other person doesn’t  get it and tries really hard to convince you that, “believe me, I’m listening to you”. It’s not very nice and disrespectful.
Listening is such a simple and a precious gift we can give to each other. I hope the next time when someone  is talking to us we try to give that person our full attention without thinking, and if you are already a good listening and give full attention without thinking or distraction you should be proud of yourself. People like you make us believe there are really good people out there who truly care and listen with there your whole body.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Was that my Ammie?

Sunday, November 1, around 6:30 a:m, I started driving toward Urbana to my Taek-won-do class, which start at 7:00 a:m. A day before, I was on the radio talked about my recently published book. It was a great experience and I wanted to share with my love ones. The interviewer gave me her USB drive so I could save it for myself.
As soon as I sat down in my car, I remembered her USB drive was in my purse, and I haven’t heard it. So I plugged it into my car and started driving and looked around. It was a beautiful morning. Sun was out, and it was a perfect temperature. I was feeling pretty rested and happy. The very first thing I heard was this song called “Im so proud of you” by Knight in White. I have never heard that song before. I started getting chills and then I noticed while I was driving slowly something was moving above my car and got my attention. It was really low clouds near by my car. The next thing I noticed the sun was gone. The entire area was covered with clouds and fog. And I found myself crying while hearing, “Im so proud of you”. while driving and the only person came into my mind was my Ammie (mother).
My Ammie passed away June 14, 2014. Growing up I was pretty religious, but later on I lost my strong bonding with my religion and become more spiritual than religious. I know many religious people have faith that once our family members/loved ones passed they are still around us and always watching over us. I lost all of that faith. Since my mother passed away, of course, there is not a day that goes by  I don’t think about her or miss her, but this unexpected experience made me wonder, was it her? Was she telling me how much she is proud of me and she is around me? I don’t know. But my heart is saying yes, it was her, and she is around and proud of her.
Many people around me told me their spiritual experience, and of course I respect that and don’t judge them based on how I feel about that. But one thing is for sure; until you experience your own, there is no way we can understand what others must experience. It has been 1 ½ years since Ammie left, and this was my very first spiritual experience. I felt her presence all around me, and it was pure, calming, beautiful and indescribable experience. Ammie, I hope you are proud of me, and I miss you every single day.